To Protect Consumers From Various Unfair Trade Practices

Consumer Protection is one of Majlis Tindakan Pengguna Negara (MTPN) Consumer’s programs to protect consumers from various unfair trade practices. The purpose of such protection is to avoid exploitation and check various business malpractices. Consumer Protection indicates the compliance of products or services fulfilled with the standard requirements of quality and safety; issued in accordance with the procedure laid down for manufacturers, retailers, operators, agent business and so on, to differentiate normal product and excellent products that reaching appropriate level of quality and safety, especially those products achieved the standard of “Zero Return”.

To Protect Consumers From Various Unfair Trade Practices

Consumer Protection is one of Majlis Tindakan Pengguna Negara (MTPN) Consumer’s programs to protect consumers from various unfair trade practices. The purpose of such protection is to avoid exploitation and check various business malpractices. Consumer Protection indicates the compliance of products or services fulfilled with the standard requirements of quality and safety; issued in accordance with the procedure laid down for manufacturers, retailers, operators, agent business and so on, to differentiate normal product and excellent products that reaching appropriate level of quality and safety, especially those products achieved the standard of “Zero Return”.


Building a trusted and reliant rapport between prominent brands and consumers by promoting excellence in consumer and trade education programs.


Casting about trustful and predominant corporates, brands or individuals on a global scale, providing consumers a useful guidance and pragmatic skills and confidence.


Casting about trustful and predominant corporates, brands or individuals on a global scale, providing consumers a useful guidance and pragmatic skills and confidence.


With the increasing number of inferior and counterfeit products/services in the Malaysia, consumers in Malaysia have been suffering from the malfeasance companies providing tinpot goods and services, hence achieving esteemed mark of trust and prestige is certainly a significant milestone in the branding journey of any comapny. The establishment of this consumer protection brands is to build a nationwide recognition of prominent and reliant brand.



Company MUST BE registered under Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia
No Criminal record
Free from blacklisted and bankruptcy (CTOS/CCRISS)
Subject to consumer product safety standard
Have a good record on customer feedback and testimonials
Have a good turn over sales margin
Innovation Capability
Operating efficiency


Manufacture (General, Food-Related)
Banking Services
Brokerage Insurance & Financial Planning Services
Financial Leasing Services
Foreign Exchange & Dealer
Stocks, Stocks & Bonds Brokers & Dealers
Commodity & Security Broker
Electronic (General, Wholesale, Pcb And Other Components)
Chemical (General, Industrial Chemistry, Food Chemicals & Additives)
Biotechnology, Life And Medical Science
Retail Business (General, Fashion, Market, Furniture, Home Appliances)
Healthcare (Equipment & Products, Infrastructure, Traditional Therapy)
Beauty & Spa Salons (Incl. Slimming Center)
Wedding-related Services
Photo Taking Services
Ideo Depicition & Service Recording
Concert Event/Organizer
Food & Beverage (General, Equipment, Franchise)
Optical & Photographic (Equipment & Supplies)
Optics (Glasses & Optical Items)
Computer Information & Services Technology
Media & Printing
Advertising Services
Telecommunications (Equipment, R & D)
Marine & Offshore (Ship Management, Shipbuilder, Equipment, Repairs)
Marine & Outdoor (General)
Energy & Infrastructure
Building And Construction (Developer, General Contractor, Machinery & Equipment, Building Engineering, Building Cleaning, Building Materials)
Artitectural Services
Engineering Services
Landscape & Architecture Design
Interior Design Services
Cleaning Services (Laundry & Dry Cleaning, Including Janitorial Services)
Sercurity Services (General, Equipment)
Service Safety(Inquiry)
Textiles & Clothing
Transport Provider
Transport (Vehicle Trade, Equipment & Repair Works)
Education Provider Club/Association Sports
Medical (Equipment & Supplies, Traditional)
Gear (Equipment & Supplies, Practitioner)
Housing & Accommodation Suppliers
Wearhousing Services
Legal Service Provider
Trade (General, Import And Export)
Hotel & Hospitality
Travel & Tourism
Dramatic Art, Music & Art Activities
Geomancy, Astrology & Artilery Site Tan
Specialized Management/Administration Services


1 Gold platted Certificate (A4 Size) with high quality framed
2 Certified companies are allow to use Consumer Protection logo’s
3 Certified companies are allow to use Bunting Display
4 Certified companies will be promoted on WCPCC & MTPN Facebook & Website


Every consumer has the right to demand safe goods and services. Consumer want to feel protected from various malpractices activity such as scams, unfair trading, e-crime, unsafe goods and others. Consumer detriment occurs when a consumer suffers from being accidentally, carelessly or deliberately treated unfairly by a  trader. Therefore, consu­mers need to play a vital role in ensuring that the products or services they purchase are safe. Consumers need to unders­tand that standards is an integral part of consumer rights.

Consumer purchase decision depends on how well the expec­tations of a customer concerning about a product or service provided by organization have been met. It involve the process by which consumers become aware of and identify their needs, collect information on how to best solve these needs, evaluate alternative available options, make a purchasing decision, and evaluate their purchase. Therefore, the presence of this Consumer Protection is to help consumers to make better purchase decisions and to get consumer confidence because of trader’s efforts to provide reliable and quality service to users. It also benefits both sides.


Consumer Protection provides local businesses with special recognition that is both powerful and meaningful. Because the award is based on an assessment and auditing process from MTPN that consumers can take trust and confidence in.

The Bunga Raya Brand Award provides recipient companies an effective way to differentiate themselves from the competition. The BRBA logo has become a powerful symbol of business excellence for discerning consumers.

The Consumer Protection is more than a designation, it is an opportunity to set your business apart. When your customers are confident in your business, they will continue to buy and will be introduced to other friends. This way your business opportunities will continue to grow and benefit both the business and the consumer. This initiative also as an opportuni­ ty for traders to enhance their marketing and advertising and accelerate their sales profit.



Instantly strengthen your business and verify that your company is outstanding, also highlighting your company’s values.


Gaining external credibility and recognition from this award in high-level business leader awards verifies your achievements.


Promote your success to further their own agendas, can give you more credibility


The quality of being trusted and believed in


Good branding increases the value of a company. A brand represents the sum of people’s perception of a company’s customer service, & reputation.


As an honor and highly recognized as high standard level business services.